Beaver County Victim Services is a non-profit organization that was established in 1993.  The board is an operational and policy setting board that is ultimately responsible for the administration and operation of the police based victim services unit.
The board is comprised of 12 members with Beaver County, the Town of Tofield, Town of Viking, Village of Holden and Village of Ryley each appointing one representative and the remaining seven members being elected at the Annual General Meeting held in April each year.  Board members participate in fund raising activities so we can ensure there are sufficient funds for continued operation of our Victim Services Unit.

Municipal Board Members:

Tofield: Norm Martineau

Ryley: Kim Murphy

Holden: Tyler Beckett

Viking: James Buttner

Beaver County: Lionel Williams

Elected Board Members:

Treasurer: Dana Robinson

Secretary: Karen Chambers

At large:

Marian Maruszecka

Joanne Stewart

Vice President:

Theresa Reil


Jim Warren